Diet & Nutrition
- Diet & Nutrition
Healthy diet and nutritional habits promote natural healing processes. At Alpha Healing Center, nutritionists and wellness experts educate our guests and encourage them to pay attention to what they eat, how they eat, and to make good nutritional choices that will lead to better overall health.
Eat well and eat right!
That is the philosophy we promote with our guests at Alpha Healing Center.
Guests learn to appreciate the impact of stress, negative emotions and distraction on unhealthy eating habits. They become more aware of their process of eating and recognize relationship of balanced diet with their physical and emotional self. This approach of appreciating the full experience of eating is termed mindful eating and has been shown to improve the relationship of the whole person with food and eating.
At Alpha Healing Center, our guests receive nutrition and wellness groups on a weekly basis. Additionally, they are provided with healthy snack alternatives, as well as, exposure to healthier food choices that are catered by a specialized chef in the local community
Holistic Nutrition
We acknowledge the important role that food plays in our lives. We do not eat only to provide our body with specific nutrients-we eat for pleasure and for the social connection with family and friends. Our food is an expression of our community, culture, and relationship to the natural world. Food gives us energy, and allows us to think, move, and develop.
Unfortunately today we often consume food automatically or in response to external influences. We no longer pay attention to the impact of food on our functioning. Holistic approaches to diet and nutrition emphasize that healthy diet and nutritional habits promote natural healing processes.