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Cocaine Addiction Treatment In India

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Programs

Cocaine abuse is growing at an alarming rate in India. Since the drug is highly expensive, it’s only popular among the rich urban elites. As such, cocaine is more than just a drug in India since many regard it as a status symbol. According to a report published by India Today, cocaine has about 10.7 lakh users in India, with 90,000 users in Maharashtra, 27,000 in Punjab, 10,000 in Rajasthan, and 8,000 in Karnataka, just to mention a few.


Studies show that cocaine tolerance develops rapidly and can easily result in great psychological dependence. Unfortunately, more and more corporate employees and youths are turning to cocaine abuse without knowing the dire consequences of this habit.

Alike most other addictive drugs, usage of cocaine targets and overstimulates the brain’s system which gives an enjoyable feeling for a short period of time. Moreover with time, cocaine changes the way the brain functions, and teaches the user for a continual repetition to experience those same feelings of ecstasy. The swiftness of this occurrence depends on each individual’s cocaine usage and the way their brain reacts to the drug. It also depends on how the drug is consumed, as some individuals who smoke crack cocaine will normally get addicted to the drug much faster.

What are some common Signs of Cocaine Addiction

The signs and symptoms of cocaine abuse vary depending on the duration, dose, and frequency of abuse. There are different categories of symptoms of cocaine addiction: mood, behavioural, physical, and psychological symptoms.


Mood Symptoms


  • Irritability
  • Euphoria
  • Restlessness
  • Feelings of well-bein

Behavioural Symptoms


  • Lying about cocaine use
  • Strained relationships
  • Money problems
  • Legal problems
  • Forsaking responsibilities at school, work, or home
  • Fast Speech
  • Excited speech
  • High Energy and Excitement levels

Physical Symptoms


  • Difficulties swallowing
  • Nosebleeds
  • Loss of smell
  • Chronic runny nose
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Impaired sexual function
  • Dilated pupils
  • Hoarseness

Psychological Symptoms


  • Delusions
  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Break from reality
  • Violent behaviour

Effects of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine is a stimulant drug that acts upon the body’s nervous system, increasing the user’s energy levels and keeping them awake while raising blood pressure and heart rate. The drug also makes the user feel good by upregulating dopamine release. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating the “happy hormone.”


Prolonged use of cocaine results in a multitude of serious health, social, economic, and legal problems. The longer the person has been abusing this stimulant, the graver the consequences.


Cocaine abuse has a severe impact on the user’s brain. However, since the stimulant is carried through the bloodstream, it can damage other body organs. Health hazards related to cocaine abuse include, but are not limited to:


  • Seizure
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Heart attack
  • Ulcers
  • Permanent lung damage
  • Impaired sexual function
  • Severe skin infections
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Perforation of the intestines and stomach
  • Risk of contracting bloodborne diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C
  • Risk of death


Efficient Residential Cocaine Addiction Rehabilitation Facility

The Alpha Healing Center offers an exclusive combination of inpatient treatment programs. Our treatment method combines concentrated therapy, the 12 Steps Methodology, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.


Our main treatment programs are also complemented using other therapies such as physical fitness, art therapy, and yoga for a holistic healing experience. By targeting to cure the body, mind, and soul of the detriment caused by substance abuse, our patients can achieve long-term recovery from cocaine addiction.


We encourage family members to join their loved ones in our free three-day family addiction recovery program for better results. During this program, family members are equipped with relevant information about the disease of addiction. This way, they can create an effective support system for their loved ones battling cocaine addiction.


Studies have revealed that the involvement of family members during addiction treatment and recovery significantly increases the chances of achieving lifelong sobriety.

young drug addict man on hood alone sniffing and snorting cocaine lines with rolled banknote on mirror

Cocaine Withdrawal and Detoxification

Cocaine is known to stimulate the brain’s pleasure centres responsible for rewarding you with the pleasant feelings associated with “good behaviours such as sex and eating. Using cocaine to stimulate these brain regions results in excessive pleasurable feelings that the individual begins to crave more of the substance.


Repeated use and high tolerance levels often result in dependence and addiction. Under these conditions, it becomes more difficult for you to stop using cocaine, and any attempt to stop abruptly can trigger unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.


Withdrawal symptoms associated with cocaine addiction include depression, increased cravings, anxiety, muscle aches, fatigue, anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), chills, shakiness, suicidal thoughts, and tremors.




While it’s possible to undergo cocaine detox for mild addiction in an outpatient program, severe dependence and addiction require medical detox in a residential cocaine rehab centre. Individuals who have relapsed after past withdrawal attempts are also encouraged to seek inpatient medical detox.


During an inpatient detoxification program, the patient is offered 24-hour supervision seven days a week. The lethal withdrawal symptoms are closely managed and treated by qualified medical professionals.


Persons suffering from co-occurring mental disorders are also encouraged to undergo medical detoxification followed by intensive residential treatment. This is the best solution for addressing mental health treatment issues and withdrawal management.


One of the riskiest withdrawal effects of unsupervised cocaine withdrawal is the high risk of suicide. People who attempt to quit cocaine cold-turkey after addiction has taken hold often suffer severe mood swings and depression, which might trigger suicidal thoughts and behaviours.


Alpha Healing Center offers a safe cocaine detox program overseen by specialists trained to help our clients manage withdrawal and prevent relapse during the detoxification process. However, it would be best to understand that leading a drug-free life goes beyond joining a cacaine rehab with the best detox program. It also involves participating in therapies designed to help you learn effective coping and relapse-prevention skills.

Effective Cocaine Addiction Treatment Programs

Medication-Aided Treatment

Unlike other drugs of abuse like opioids, the authorities are yet to approve any medication for cocaine withdrawal. However, clinical trials have shown that a few promising medications can help patients overcome cocaine dependence and addiction by managing withdrawal symptoms.


Antidepressants, for instance, are effective in reducing depression and stabilizing moods. Medical animal studies have also shown that a few medications can help with cocaine withdrawal.

Behavioural Interventions
Most behavioural therapies have proven effective in the treatment of cocaine addiction. In most cases, behavioural intervention is the only available option for most drug addiction problems. However, integrating pharmacological and behavioural treatments is the most effective solution.
Below are behavioural therapies that have proven effective in cocaine addiction treatment:
Contingency Management: Also known as motivation-enhancement therapy, this is a reward-based program where patients are offered prized for achieving abstinence goals. The program encourages a healthy and drug-free lifestyle.
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: This program is designed to help patients develop skills necessary for long-term sobriety. You will learn to recognize and avoid situations that might trigger a relapse.
Therapeutic Communities: During our residential programs, individuals in recovery help each other comprehend and change their behaviours. Peer and family support go a long way in helping the recovering patient achieve long-term sobriety.

Key Benefits of Inpatient Treatment For Cocaine Dependency

  • Recovery-friendly environment – By joining our residential rehab centre, you are removed from the places and people who might have encouraged your cocaine abuse and addiction. Trying to quit cocaine while staying in the same environment enabling your habits, poses a high risk of relapsing.
  • Professional Care Around the Clock – Our patients receive 24/7 professional medical attention and care from a team of qualified psychiatrists and counsellors. This staff will walk you through the ups and downs of drug addiction recovery.
  • Confidential Treatment – During inpatient treatment, patients receive intense individual therapy sessions with professional counsellors and psychiatrists. Since you are away from everyday stressors, you can focus your attention on recovery with much ease.

Most people feel the effects of cocaine three to four hours after taking it. If you have only taken the stimulant once, it will be detectable in your urine for three to four days. For chronic users, it will be detectable 14 days after the last dose.

Cocaine use disorder can have similar symptoms to bipolar disorder, making it challenging to differentiate the two conditions. However, prolonged cocaine abuse can result in psychosis which causes paranoia and hallucinations.

Yes. Cocaine overdose has been one of the leading causes of cocaine-related fatalities. Overdosing often leads to stroke, seizures, or heart attack.

Cocaine abuse causes short-term and long-term health consequences, some lethal. Prolonged use leads to severe mental and physical health problems.

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